
聊点文化,体验太极拳推手,有茶 #


地点,在清华大学东门旁的清华紫光UNIS 大楼一层茶馆。


[Activity] - Chatting, Tai-Chi Pushing Hands, Tea, and more #

A place where you can chitchat around, push hands with people, and have some tea is available on every Wednesday evening, 19:00-21:00. You can bring along a topic of Tai-Chi, about which we will talk. We share our views but there will be no right or wrong, you will just get answers from different perspectives. Tai-Chi Pushing Hands can give you more experience than a rich round of talk. All the questions will be exposed in front of yourself, but there will be no high or low. What you bring here and what you bring from here are both your choice (you can even bring an apprentice), but you should push hands with others to present yourself. Please be noted that there will be no discussion about the styles of Tai-Chi during the salon, but we can talk afterwards. So what do you think? Care to join our free party?

Location: teahouse at the 1st floor, UNIS Building, East Gate of Tsinghua University.

Organizer: Xiang, Li. Pn. 13811804844


Now read this

相书-晃晃悠悠的传承 The Precarious Transmission

公元526年,有一个40岁的老人(40岁在当时是可以当爷爷了)独自一人来到少林寺,少林寺是一个佛教教学,国际会议,国际交流,佛教研究,佛教书籍集中,高水平佛学人才汇集的这么一个近千人的佛教大学形式的地方,一个没有官方背景,没有佛教传承背景,农村小庙来的,同时也没有如何人脉关系(少林寺),可能在少林寺连正式编制都没有,寺里只提供饮食和简陋的住处,来少林寺的时间可能在526年的秋天, 为什么在526年来少林寺呢,原来在这一年的春天,这个老人在禅修中恍惚看到了一个神人,对他说... Continue →