
什么是太极推手? #


太极推手的本质是什么? #


太极推手要如何提高? #


太极推手有什么好玩的地方? #


[Pushing Hands] - Introduction to T'ai Chi Pushing Hands #

What Is Pushing Hands? #

You and your opponent, standing face to face. You try to push your opponent off his/her balance and to move from where he/she stands, when you stay put to your spot and keep your balance. It usually takes only 1 minute to win or lose a round.

What Is the Essence of Pushing Hands? #

Two players pushing hands are like two confronting operating systems. The purpose of each system is to keep its own balance. When challenged by an opponent, it’s like being hacked by another system. If the hacker system manages to find a way to breach the defenses of the hacked system, it could win. However, the way of attacking will be acquired by the hacked system and added to its defense database. So if the next time you try to hack it through the same way, it probably will not work.

How to Improve Your Skill? #

Invent new ways to attack, such as the use of feint (and to feint to be feinting), inertia (to make your opponent lose his/her balance), and so on.

What’s Interesting About Pushing Hands? #

Pushing hands is a competitive game, like playing basketball or badminton. The rivalry is one of the places where the fun is at. Also, you need to think about and innovate upon the ways to attack and defense. Pushing hands, in essence, is a kind of martial arts. You can explore into the Chinese culture and wisdom behind it, with which we are lucky enough to nourish ourselves.


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聊点文化,体验太极拳推手,有茶 # 在每周三下午,19:00—21:00.有一个地方可以坎山,推手,有茶,你可以带一个有关太极拳的话题,我们一起聊,围绕你的话题,我们提供另外角度的观点,没有争论,只是各说各的道理,那么,你会多角度的看你的问题,太极拳的推手是一种体验式呈现,千言万语不如摸一摸手,所有的问题都会呈现在你的面前,没有谁高,谁低,一起呈现一种理解,那么你从这里带走什么是你的选择,你想带来什么非常欢迎,但你要让大家和你推手,你也可以带徒弟来,但要你出场,... Continue →